Joe Massaglia Magazine
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From The Publisher

Greetings, and thank you for opening my website/magazine online.

My personal voyage in the culinary field covers over 50 years of experience, since my teenage years. From my native land of Piedmont, Italy, I have traveled around the world and came to America after meeting my “better half” on the Pacific Princess, also known as “The Love Boat” in 1975.

            I have worked along side top chefs, restaurateurs and hoteliers in this country. I have worked along side moguls like Steve Wynn and Donald Trump. I’ve had the pleasure to meet movie stars and singers such as John Wayne, Charlton Heston, Frank Sinatra and many more. I even had a part in a movie with Jeff Bridges, Anthony Perkins and John Huston.

            At age 35, I was ready to become my own entrepreneur and opened my first of several Mama Mia’s Restaurants in Seaville, NJ, now celebrating our 30 years of success! Along the way, I met a man who became a dear friend. His name was Ed Hitzel, a well respected food critic and radio show host for over 20 years. Ed passed away in 2015 and I was offered the opportunity to host my own radio show on WOND 1400 AM. I wanted to expand from the airways to social media as well, since we have reached a new era with the power of technology.

            So I would like to take the opportunity to share my passion and knowledge for culinary, travel, recipes and more with my audience. As you read Joe Massaglia’s online magazine, I hope you enjoy our reviews and critiques on restaurants and lodging sites throughout the region. My goal is to be an easy, convenient, and informative site.

            Remember, there is always room at "Joe's Table for 2”

-Joe Massaglia


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